Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Deck of cards workout

If you fancy a change from your regular training, and fancy something that's gonna smash not only your cardio, but every muscle in your body too, in less than 30 min, why not try deck of cards?

Alls you need is.... A deck of cards!

It works like this:
Hearts - burpees
Diamonds - leg raises
Spades - press ups
Clubs- jump squats
Joker - next card double
Cards 2-10 - that number of reps
Face cards - 11 reps
Ace - 13 reps

Shuffle the pack and off you go!
By the end of the workout you will have done 100 of each exercise!

God help you if you pull a joker & the next card is the ace of hearts!

Good luck


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